import pygame as pg import snake from snake import Point from random import randint class Colors: black = (0, 0, 0) white = (255, 255, 255) pink = (254, 127, 156) blue = (135, 206, 235) green = (0, 255, 0) slate_blue = (106, 90, 205) light_blue = (173, 216, 230) maroon = (128, 0, 0) firebrick = (178, 34, 34) dark_orange = (255, 140, 0) class Game: def __init__(self): self.world_dimensions = (80, 60) self.offset = 60 # offset at the top to print score and top wall self.width = 800 self.height = 600 + self.offset + 10 # extra 10 pixels to print the bottom wall self.tile_size = 10 self.max_food = 3 self.snake = snake.Snake(Point(4,4), 2, snake.Direction.RIGHT, self.world_dimensions) = list() self.score = 0 # Initialize pygame stuff pg.init() pg.display.set_caption( ' Snake ') # text and font related stuff self.font = pg.font.Font("freesansbold.ttf", 40) self.gameDisplay = pg.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) # Clock for all timing related stuff self.clock = pg.time.Clock() ################################################ # Drawing methods # ################################################ def draw_all(self): """ Draw all game related stuff on the display""" # Start with background then each layer from back to front self.draw_background() self.draw_snake() self.draw_walls() self.draw_food() self.draw_score() pg.display.update() def draw_background(self): self.gameDisplay.fill( my_rect= pg.Rect((0, 0) , [self.width, 50]) pg.draw.rect(self.gameDisplay, Colors.light_blue, my_rect) def draw_score(self): score_str = "Score: " + str(self.score) text = self.font.render(score_str, True, Colors.dark_orange) self.gameDisplay.blit(text, (0,0)) def draw_food(self): for food in x= food.pos.x y= food.pos.y x *= self.tile_size y *= self.tile_size,, (x+5, y+5 + self.offset), 5) def draw_walls(self): for i in range(self.world_dimensions[0]): # top wall my_rect= pg.Rect((i*self.tile_size, 50) , [self.tile_size,self.tile_size] ) pg.draw.rect(self.gameDisplay,, my_rect) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.slate_blue, (i*self.tile_size, 53), (i*self.tile_size+3, 50)) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.slate_blue, (i*self.tile_size, 60), (i*self.tile_size+10, 50)) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.slate_blue, (i*self.tile_size+7, 60), (i*self.tile_size+10, 57)) # bottom wall my_rect= pg.Rect((i*self.tile_size, 600 + self.offset) , [self.tile_size,self.tile_size] ) pg.draw.rect(self.gameDisplay, Colors.maroon, my_rect) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.firebrick, (i*self.tile_size, 600 + self.offset + 3), (i*10+3, 600 + self.offset)) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.firebrick, (i*self.tile_size, 600 + self.offset + 10), (i*self.tile_size+10, 600 + self.offset)) pg.draw.line(self.gameDisplay, Colors.firebrick, (i*self.tile_size+7, 600 + self.offset + 10), (i*self.tile_size+10, 600 + self.offset + 7)) def draw_snake(self): t= self.snake.get_tiles() d= self.snake.get_directions() head_tile = [ t[0].x *10, t[0].y *10 + self.offset] if d == snake.Direction.UP: head = [ [head_tile[0], head_tile[1] +10] ] head.append( [head_tile[0] + 10, head_tile[1] +10] ) head.append( [head_tile[0]+ 5, head_tile[1] ] ) pg.draw.polygon( self.gameDisplay, Colors.white, head) if d == snake.Direction.DOWN: head = [ [head_tile[0], head_tile[1]] ] head.append( [head_tile[0] + 10, head_tile[1]] ) head.append( [head_tile[0]+ 5, head_tile[1]+ 10]) pg.draw.polygon( self.gameDisplay, Colors.white, head) if d == snake.Direction.LEFT: head = [ [head_tile[0] +10, head_tile[1]] ] head.append( [head_tile[0] + 10, head_tile[1] +10] ) head.append( [head_tile[0], head_tile[1]+5] ) pg.draw.polygon( self.gameDisplay, Colors.white, head) if d == snake.Direction.RIGHT: head = [ [head_tile[0], head_tile[1]] ] head.append( [head_tile[0], head_tile[1] +10] ) head.append( [head_tile[0]+ 10, head_tile[1]+5]) pg.draw.polygon( self.gameDisplay, Colors.white, head) for i in range(1, len(t)): my_rect= pg.Rect((t[i].x *10, t[i].y *10 + self.offset), [10,10] ) pg.draw.rect(self.gameDisplay, Colors.white, my_rect) ################################ # Game Logic # ################################ def generate_food(self): """ Generate a new piece of food randomly on the map. Food will not appear on the snake. Will only produce food if there are less than max_food in the map. """ if len( >= self.max_food: return while 1: x = randint(0, 79) y = randint(0, 59) p = Point(x, y) if not self.snake.point_in_snake(p): return True def check_food(self): """ Check if the snake landed on a food tile and can eat!""" head_pos = self.snake.get_head_pos() for i, food in enumerate( if head_pos == food.pos: self.score += food.value return def evaluate_key(self, event): """ Handle all keyboard events. Currently only doing things for the arrow keys """ if event.key == pg.K_DOWN: self.snake.change_direction(snake.Direction.DOWN) if event.key == pg.K_UP: self.snake.change_direction(snake.Direction.UP) if event.key == pg.K_LEFT: self.snake.change_direction(snake.Direction.LEFT) if event.key == pg.K_RIGHT: self.snake.change_direction(snake.Direction.RIGHT) ############################################### # Update function # ############################################### def run(self): running = True # intialise timer for food spawning and movement food_timer = pg.time.get_ticks() snake_timer = pg.time.get_ticks() while running: events = pg.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN: self.evaluate_key(event) if event.type == pg.QUIT: running = False timer = pg.time.get_ticks() if timer - snake_timer > 40: # check if 40 ms since last move passed running = self.snake.move() self.check_food() snake_timer = timer if timer - food_timer > 2000: self.generate_food() food_timer = timer self.clock.tick(100) # limits the game to 100 frames a second self.draw_all() pg.quit()