3. Donate to

By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 10 Jan 2022.

The Situation

I, i.e. Bernd Klein, started work on this website in May 2010. Since then I spend every available minute on this website. I am continually working on new topics, improving existing content and many other things. Beside of time I am investing also a lot of money on this website. Every month between 500 and 1000 Euros. Where does the money come from? Mainly out of my personal income. I am not a nillionaire, just a Python training, making money by giving training courses. So, this is a huge amount of money from my perspective.

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In February 2019 I added the possibility to donate. I received an average of 100 Euros in donations. This is great! Many thanks to all the generous donors! Some do it even on a regular basis!

Unfortunately, this is only about 5% of the money I need to finance the necessary projects for this website. I need another 1900 Euros every month! If you can, like this website and love Python, please help!


What about Ads?

The idea of advertisements is tempting on the one hand and repulsive on the other. With more than 5 million different visitors per year, I could make a lot of money by adding ads to my website. I experimented with Google Adsense: I found out that I could make between 1500 and 2500 € every month. So, exactly the amount of money I would need. Yet, I didn't like the look of it. There is a lot of passion in my website. I love what I do and the ads made my work look ugly! I am sure that I feel the same way as most of you. Yet, the idea of adding ads and getting in money is tempting. Having the money flowing in would free me to focus my work on the website and hire additional people to supplement my efforts! So please help to make it possible and keep this website free of ads!

Live Python training

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The Amount

It will be just great, if you support us. Any amount is welcome.

So please, if you like this website, if you want it to be further improved and if you can afford it, donate some money!

List of Donators

I am also considering of having a list of donators for those who want to be publicly mentioned as an incentive to others. If you or your company is interested in this, please contact me!

Thank you very much for your consideration!

Bernd Klein, 2020-03-15

Live Python training

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