5. Sitemap
By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 20 Apr 2022.
Python Tutorial
- Intro to Python Tutorial
- History and Philosophy of Python
- The Interpreter, an Interactive Shell
- Execute a Script
- Structuring with Indentation
- Assignment Expressions
- Data Types and Variables
- Type Annotations
- Operators
- Sequential Data Types
- List Manipulation
- Shallow and Deep Copy
- Dictionaries
- Sets and Frozen Sets
- Sets Examples
- Keyboard Input
- Conditional Statements
- Structural Pattern Matching
- Adventure Game with Structural Pattern Matching
- While Loops
- For Loops
- Output with Print
- Formatted Output
- Working with Dictionaries and while Loops
- Functions
- Passing Arguments
- Parameters And Arguments
- Namespaces
- Global vs. Local Variables and Namespaces
- File Management
- Modular Programming and Modules
- Packages
- Errors and Exception Handling
Object Oriented Programming
- Intro to Object Oriented Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Class vs. Instance Attributes
- Properties vs. Getters and Setters
- Creating Immutable Classes In Python
- Dataclasses In Python
- Implementing a Custom Property Class
- Magic Methods
- Dynamic Data Transformation
- Introduction to Descriptors
- Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance: Example
- Callable Instances of Classes
- Slots: Avoiding Dynamically Created Attributes
- Polynomial Class
- Dynamically Creating Classes with type
- Road to Metaclasses
- Metaclasses
- Count Function calls with the help of a Metaclass
- The 'ABC' of Abstract Base Classes
- OOP Purely Functional
Advanced Python
- Intro to Advanced Python
- Recursive Functions
- Iterators and Iterables
- Generators and Iterators
- Lambda Operator, filter, reduce and map
- zip introduction and examples
- Decorators and Decoration
- Memoization and Decorators
- Functional Programming OOP
- List Comprehension
- Function Composition In Python
- Currying in Python
- Argument Count
- Tests, DocTests, UnitTests
- Testing with Pytest
- Regular Expressions
- Advanced Regular Expressions
- Annotations
- Type Annotations And Hints
- Type Annotations For Functions
- Type Annotations Decorators
- Type Annotation Classes
Applications of Python
- Introduction to Applications of Python
- sys-Module
- Python and the Shell
- Forks and Forking
- Threads and Threading
- Pipes in Python
- Python Network Scanner
- Graph Theory and Graphs in Python
- Finite State Machine in Python
- Turing Machine in Python
- Levenshtein Distance
- Turkish Time and Clock
- Towers of Hanoi
- Mastermind / Bulls and Cows
- Python and SQL
- Musical Scores With Python
- Transforming Fibonacci Numbers into Music.
- Snake in Python
- Python Wordcloud Tutorial
Numerical Programming
- Numerical Programming with Python
- Introduction to NumPy
- Creating Numpy Arrays
- Numpy Data Objects, dtype
- Numerical Operations on Numpy Arrays
- Numpy Arrays: Concatenating, Flattening and Adding Dimensions
- Python, Random Numbers and Probability
- Weighted Probabilities
- Synthetical Test Data With Python
- Numpy: Boolean Indexing
- Matrix Arithmetics under NumPy and Python
- Reading and Writing Data Files: ndarrays
- Overview of Matplotlib
- Formatting a plot in Matplotlib
- Matplotlib Object Hierarchy
- Spines and Ticks in Matplotlib
- Adding Legends and Annotations in Matplotlib
- Creating Subplots in Matplotlib
- Gridspec in Matplotlib
- Histograms with Matplotlib
- Contour Plots with Matplotlib
- Image Processing in Python with Matplotlib
- Image Processing Techniques with Python and Matplotlib
- Creating Videos from One or More Images
- Moving Watermarks Video with Python
- Introduction to Pandas
- Pandas DataFrame
- Accessing and Changing values of DataFrames
- Pandas Styling
- Pandas Pivot
- Pandas: groupby
- Pandas Groupby Example
- Reading and Writing Data in Pandas
- Dealing with NaN
- Binning in Python and Pandas
- Multi-level Indexing in Pandas
- Data Visualization with Pandas
- Python Date and Time
- Time Series in Pandas and Python
- Expenses and income example with Pandas and Python
- Net Income Method Example with Numpy, Matplotlib and Scipy
- Estimation of Corona cases with Python and Pandas
- Linear Combinations in Python
Machine Learning
- Intro to Machine Learning with Python
- Machine Learning with Python
- Machine Learning Terminology
- Evaluation Metrics
- Data Representation and Visualization of Data
- Available Data Sets in Sklearn
- Artificial Datasets with Scikit-Learn
- Train and Test Sets by Splitting Learn and Test Data
- k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier in Python
- k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier with sklearn
- Neural Networks Introduction
- Separating Classes with Dividing Lines
- A Simple Neural Network from Scratch in Python
- Perceptron class in sklearn
- Neural Networks, Structure, Weights and Matrices
- Running a Neural Network with Python
- Backpropagation in Neural Networks
- Training a Neural Network with Python
- Softmax as Activation Function
- Confusion Matrix in Machine Learning
- Training and Testing with MNIST
- Dropout Neural Networks in Python
- Neural Networks with Scikit
- A Neural Network for the Digits Dataset
- Naive Bayes Classification with Python
- Naive Bayes Classifier with Scikit
- Introduction to Text Classification
- Text Classification in Python
- Natural Language Processing with Python
- Natural Language Processing: Classification
- Introduction to Regression with Python
- Decision Trees in Python
- Regression Trees in Python
- Random Forests in Python
- Boosting Algorithm in Python
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python
- Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python
- Expectation Maximization and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
- Introduction to TensorFlow
- Tkinter - the Python interface for Tk
- Labels in Tkinter
- Message widget in Tkinter
- Buttons in Tkinter
- Variable Classes in Tkinter
- Radio Buttons in Tkinter
- Checkboxes in Tkinter
- Entry Widgets in Tkinter
- Canvas Widgets in Tkinter
- Sliders in Tkinter
- Text Widget in Tkinter
- Dialogs in Tkinter
- Layout Management in Tkinter
- The Game of Life in Python
- Bulls and Cows / Mastermind in Tkinter
- Menus in Tkinter
- Events and Binds in Tkinter