4. News

By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 06 Dec 2023.

December 2023:

The tutorial on OOP has grown by two new pages: "Creating Immutable Classes In Python" and you can learn now how to work with "Dataclasses In Python"

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November 2023:

As the days continued to get shorter and darker, we put some light on "Function Composition In Python" and spend more time in the Python kitchen, especially with "Currying in Python". We also went on an expedition in November to visit the walruses in the north: "Assignment Expressions alias Walrus Operator" In November, we ALSO embarked on an adventurous journey, delving into an interactive Python game to explore the realm of "Structural Pattern Recognition"

April 2021:

Thanks to the help of James Paden from DocRaptor we are happy to present now professional eBooks of the content of our website.

Python PDF Books

April 2021:

There is a new chapter in the section "Machine Learning with Python" about the "Perceptron Class" from sklearn. The chapter "Neural Networks with scikit / sklearn" is considerably changed and new contend.

March 2021:

I added a new chapter to the Machine Learning Tutorial: k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier with sklearn. The chapter k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier is updated and extended! (Bernd)

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March 2021:

I added a new chapter about music: Python and the Fibonacci numbers. In this chapter of our tutorial I create a piano score from Fibonacci numbers. This means that PDF files and Midi files are generated automatically. Python, Fibonacci and Music

December 2020:

Create your own creative birthday or christmas card? Let Python be creative for you. In my chapter "Word Clouds" I show you how to create beautiful wordclouds! (Bernd)

Christmas Tree wordcloud

March 2020:

Predicting the Future? How would it be to know the price of objects, shares or currencies in the future? Impossible. Yes and no! Machine Learning makes it possible to have a small glimpse in the futures. Read my new chapter on "Regression" to see how your wishes may come true :-) (Bernd)

November 2020:

Do you like curry and currying? I have corrected some typos in the chapter "Currying with Python". Furthermore I improved the explanations and the code examples! Thanks a lot Larry for your hints! (Bernd)

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September 2020:

In my new article "Encoding Text for Machine Learning", I show how texts, like newspaper articles, books or the like, can be converted into numerical values. You need this conversion if you want to edit natural-language texts with neural networks. This is done with the help of the bag-of-words method. I also added a chapter in which I present some interesting text classification examples: "Natural Language Processing: Classification" (Bernd)

September 2020:

One of the most visited chapters of my Python tutorial has the title Recursion and Recursive Functions. Have you ever heard about tribonacci, tetranacci, or pentranacci numbers? Most probably not. I haven't known them until this day. (Bernd)

August 2020:

I have improved the tutorial on functions. A smoother introduction, i.e. the call behavior and the parameter transfer are now introduced in easy-to-understand diagrams. Furthermore a lot of additional exercises with solutions round off the topics. Concerning Machine Learning: I added a new chapter on metrics (precision, accuracy, recall, f1-score)(Bernd)

August 2020:

Today I finally took the Python2 tutorial offline. Python2 should finally be history. I also reorganized the existing content. Up to now there was an "Advanced" rubric, which did not provide actual Python topics but applied Python programming. I have renamed it to Applications. I have also added a new section "Advanced". This time with advanced Python topics. Object orientation received a section of its own now. (Bernd)

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June 2020:

I added three new chapters in the section "Machine Learning": Finally, I added a proper introduction chapter, "Representation and Visualization of Data" and "Train and Test Sets" (Bernd)

June 2020:

We are proud to present a new Turkish sibling of our website. Thanks to the work of Melisa Atay and Barbaros Akkurt.

June 2020:

I (Bernd) revised the chapter "Python Iterators and Generators"

May 2020:

Bernd changed the chapter on "Magic Methods and Operator Overloading". He added further examples of the __call__ method and sharpened the explanations a bit more.

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April 2020:

Great news: The listings in the Python tutorial are getting more colorful. Melisa Atay works hard to turn the existing html files into Jupyter Notebooks, which get automatically transformed into html. This way the code listings get syntax highlighting. She also checks the tests and examples by doing this.

February 2020:

Bernd Klein finally finished two new chapters of my machine learning tutorial:

November 2019:

After having worked so much on Numpy, Matplotlib and Pandas, I (Bernd) concentrated on pure Python. I continued the journey into the the depth of properties. You can join me: "Deeper into Properties" One step further: "Descriptors"

October 2019:

I added a new chapter to the Pandas Tutorial: Replacing Values in DataFrames and Series

September 2019:

I reshaped most of the chapters of my Matplotlib Tutorial:

August 2019:

It was long overdue. Finally we have a chapter on pytest

Juli 2019:

I wrote a new chapter with an extensive example of multiple inheritance in Bursa and Istanbul and did the final touches on a train from Geneva to Zurich. The underlying ideas have arisen while giving Python courses in various locations. The examples were nearly finished as well. All I did in Turkey was writing the explanatory text.

June 2019:

The Chapter on Inheritance has been nearly completely rewritten. Instead of using the old and boring "employee" and "person" classes, we are now using the Robot, which we have also used in our Introduction into OOP. You will meet the robot Marvin and his new friends "James" and "Dr. Frankenstein"!

April 2018:

A completely new chapter An Extensive Example for Sets was added to our tutorial. This chapter is supplementing the chapter Sets and Frozensets

October 2017:

In our chapter on Polynomials we demonstrate how easily and beautifully a class for the creation and manipulation of polynomial functions can be written in Python.

January - March 2017:

We extended our chapters on Generators and Decorators

May 2016:

New chapter on Decorators. In combination with our chapter on Memoisation and Decorators it belongs to the most extensive treatisises on the topic of decoration à la Python!

December - March 2016:

We wrote four chapters dealing with abstract classes as a tutorial on Metaclasses:

August 2015:

We added a chapter on Slots and another about the difference between type and classes.

July 2014:

An introduction into using database interfaces in Python for SQL, MySQL and SQLite

March 2014:

We are currently completely revising the chapter on object oriented programming. It's more or less complete rewrite.

The topic now comprises five instead of previously only one chapter:

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